Wednesday, August 5, 2015


In viewing the speech by TED’s Executive Director, Chris Anderson online at: LINK His candid and sincere approach displayed the vulnerability of TED’s strengths. His teams dreams towards building yet a global infrastructure that will promote interactive platform. As well as, exposing  the world's future overall weakinessness towards engaging a new future of visually learnt viewers. Anderson, gave us a story or which could be translated as his desire, then he builded the foundation or the light  and gave us the framework for the crowd or the audience. His ultimate goal was to solicit the assistance of TED nation with the process  with their opinions, suggestions and their thoughts.
Many questions were posed, addressed and greatly opened up a new world of purpose towards the future of my internet company. I felt my directional vision pulling in many new directions, some positive and some negative. I positively view of this talk as a heads up in future ball of many new innovational ideas towards the new medias, educational tools for learning, enterprising edgy concepts for global future possibilities. However, moving in the fearful and negative scope of these latest discoveries, I felt a bit small and inferior in stepping into the arena filled with nine million people gazing, critiquing and judging my virtual child. My expectations were inflated and deflated with many of my racing thoughts and the “what if” head battles I sword in. But in my war engagement, I found solace in knowing that most of the battle has been invented and my work is not building the vehicle, it’s driving it to its next destination, taking in the new car smell, steering it, gassing it up and doing the maintenance.  Chris Anderson so eloquently defines, this evolving ecosystem is driven by viewers watching 80 million hours of web video, forcing companies to dream more and change the way we do face-to-face communication. He also brings up the term“crowd-accelerated innovation”  this placed my view of the viewer in an entirely different position for me. Either, I have missed it for the last few years working in a corporate arena. Snobbishly, I was removed from the public demographics giving them what believed to be exciting or informational to the executives. I enjoyed the art of content and refused to take the viewing audience of reality shows to seriously take root. He spoke of three poignant and self-fueling system of network distributors are powered by the desire, the light and the crowd.The whole package comprise of the desire to challenge your latest opponent for the win. Bring your light or talent to the center of attraction through the comments, ratings, email, Facebook, Twitter or from whatever media will draw. Finally drawing to crowd to participate and motive the greatness by perpetuate greater potential of the artist or person featured. 
In that same vein, in identifying a speaker  that most inspired me so far in the Ted talks forum of the Best of the Web”:  LINKIt would have to be Filmmaker Andrew Stanton ("Toy Story," “WALL-E”), LINK I enjoy hearing and telling great stories and I truly desire to improve upon the structure of my writing. Andrew intrigued by the art of a story, how it is viewed and leaving his audience to live in the wonder of his creation. He gives a vulnerable parts to the world as an offering of change and purpose to mankind.  


How web video powers global innovation (Chris Anderson:)

Best of the Web

The clues to a great story (Andrew Stanton:)

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