Sunday, October 11, 2015


Monique Tyson

TED Conflict Negotiations:William Ury                                                                                                                   "The walk from "no" to "yes"                                                                                                                                                                         William Ury, is an world renowned anthropologist, American author of "Getting to Yes," , academic, negotiator and humanitarian. He presented the Ted talk  speech "The walk from "no" to “yes.” He simply began hisTedTalk with the story of tribal conflicts that adapted a system that forced the group to come to an agreement after talks were all place out in a circle, talked out and without a solution walked out. William Ury, job and strong yet gentle approach towards handling the most difficult people and with the most nefarious groups of men. Mainly, battling to gain power over ancient lands. His mode of negotiations style are objective criteria. According to Paul Godin, Switch the focus from a battle of wills into a search for the appropriate external fair standards or benchmarks, often called ‘objective criteria’. (Godin) An  objective is persuasive not only to you, but to the other party, and to a neutral observer. In other words, the win-win concept inspired by "3rd Side" to help societies to realize peace. The transformation phase of conflict resolution would have an excellent chance to spread throughout the world with the biblical champion walk as a symbol of walking through the issues of hate and coming to conclusions of hope, love and peace between two nations. We a nation, the third side the "us” that are standing  by watching can encourage the change by uniting as one, toward global transcendence.

Margaret Neale: Negotiation: Getting What You Want 

Margaret A. Neale is the Adams Distinguished Professor of Management at Stanford's Graduate School of Business. Known as a champion for women's rights and is dearly loved in the art form of negotiations. In watching any of her works she eats, sleeps and speaks what she preaches. She empowers you to believe that if she can do it, you better try to win. She displays no difference in the YouTube,“Negotiation: Getting What You Want.” She brings home many poignant points, like not being afraid as women to ask what it is that you want from a deal. She states firmly, that expectations drive behavior. Actually, know the questions of what I am asking, how am I asking and whom it is I am asking, in a negotiation. Always do the research in the negotiation process. Likewise, know how not to represent myself in a negotiation with communal problem solving and communal packaging. She is clearly advised, never negotiate for yourself if you are a woman. However, if you are a woman you tend to outperform men in representational negotiation.Likewise another huge tidbit, she mentions not negotiate an issue by issue, but by yoking various issues in a package you now have the opportunity to trade among the issues. She reveals and sums up by saying that you get more of what you want to assess, preparedness, ask for what it is you want and package the issues.Among asking for what it is you want, prepare for other possible outcomes she mentions the best“BATNA " and the worst “WATNA" in negotiation can be the greatest weapon in a deal.

25 Most Difficult Negotiation Tactics
Phil McCormick

YouTube speaker, Phil McCormick there was a founder and president, specializing in sales training and consulting. He stated that,“You have to sell to negotiate" He also stated that, “adversarial response and circle tactics can turn into win-win in a business negotiation. He quickly defines and names the tactics that place the negotiator in place that seemly appears bleak in a deal. He gives new light in how to recover win-win solutions in complicated issues. For example, the circle tactics that repeats itself to trip the people into believing, the idea was theirs.Then, the adversarial approach lends itself to competition between negotiators. I will do a price comparison to get what I wanted in the deal if you do not do as I say tactic. In closing, the win-win is the most rewarding tactic of them all, everyone wins and backs don’t have to be watched in public places.

Monday, September 7, 2015

TedTalk-Making Me Care - with Andrew Stanton

Monique  Tyson
September 06, 2015

Andrew Stanton: The Clues To A Great Story

There are many great stories to tell but there are few that can deliver it and write it in such a ways in which an audience could visualize and capture to memory. But the few that can get to memorialize it on film for future generations to experience. I like many, enjoy listening to a great story and to read a great story. But there is a great since of delight come to me, when a true storyteller gets their voice to the words of a story or a masterpiece, to me, it becomes a sensory smorgasbord. In Ted Talks speaker, Andrew Stanton “The Clues To A Great Story  LINK
He ultimately paint a picture of how a story is graphed with many theories, but three stood out the most. He discovers the true “needs” of a story in order for it to formed, how it should end, to begin it with the end in mind, to have a singular goal for the characters, to discover real trues or the human nature about ourselves and about other’s. Andrew Stanton, stated and quoted, “The children's television host Mr. Rogers   LINK   always carried in his wallet a quote from a social worker that said, "Frankly, there isn't anyone you couldn't learn to love once you've heard their story."  Currently, that clue rings true even with the most disagreeable, angry and the most bizarre people I have had to encounter, their stories backed their character and I grew to love their novels despite their billboards. They made me care about them emotionally, intellectually, aesthetically, they just made me to care about them despite themselves. People just want to tell their stories, to be heard and to see their true selfs, to change. Andrew’s next clue was to make the audience think, give them an equation and make them figure it out. Of course, structure the story is built in such a way that they will embrace the story in the mind of the write, to challenge the story with thoughts, ideas, thinking the story through and solving the layers of mysteries. The audience get sense of responsibility of following to respond to interactivity, engage into many story possibilities and factor in many dimensions of thought. For the last clue was based on figuring out the character inner motor or what I interpret, their hearts intent in the stories details. As a writers attempt to seek the back spine to itch, it is for the sole purpose of discovering the supreme reason of what the character is unconsciously unaware of, in its journey that they, the character and the writer are currently undergoing in the storyline. 

Andrew concluded his final clues with recapping the need to use your own story or true stories that are effective and poignant to relatable live issues. Then to give the audience a chance to participate in mentally seeing the view of the storyteller and  truly engaging it with passion. Furthermore seeing the true indent of the character on or before the discovery it even make plain to the audience.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


In viewing the speech by TED’s Executive Director, Chris Anderson online at: LINK His candid and sincere approach displayed the vulnerability of TED’s strengths. His teams dreams towards building yet a global infrastructure that will promote interactive platform. As well as, exposing  the world's future overall weakinessness towards engaging a new future of visually learnt viewers. Anderson, gave us a story or which could be translated as his desire, then he builded the foundation or the light  and gave us the framework for the crowd or the audience. His ultimate goal was to solicit the assistance of TED nation with the process  with their opinions, suggestions and their thoughts.
Many questions were posed, addressed and greatly opened up a new world of purpose towards the future of my internet company. I felt my directional vision pulling in many new directions, some positive and some negative. I positively view of this talk as a heads up in future ball of many new innovational ideas towards the new medias, educational tools for learning, enterprising edgy concepts for global future possibilities. However, moving in the fearful and negative scope of these latest discoveries, I felt a bit small and inferior in stepping into the arena filled with nine million people gazing, critiquing and judging my virtual child. My expectations were inflated and deflated with many of my racing thoughts and the “what if” head battles I sword in. But in my war engagement, I found solace in knowing that most of the battle has been invented and my work is not building the vehicle, it’s driving it to its next destination, taking in the new car smell, steering it, gassing it up and doing the maintenance.  Chris Anderson so eloquently defines, this evolving ecosystem is driven by viewers watching 80 million hours of web video, forcing companies to dream more and change the way we do face-to-face communication. He also brings up the term“crowd-accelerated innovation”  this placed my view of the viewer in an entirely different position for me. Either, I have missed it for the last few years working in a corporate arena. Snobbishly, I was removed from the public demographics giving them what believed to be exciting or informational to the executives. I enjoyed the art of content and refused to take the viewing audience of reality shows to seriously take root. He spoke of three poignant and self-fueling system of network distributors are powered by the desire, the light and the crowd.The whole package comprise of the desire to challenge your latest opponent for the win. Bring your light or talent to the center of attraction through the comments, ratings, email, Facebook, Twitter or from whatever media will draw. Finally drawing to crowd to participate and motive the greatness by perpetuate greater potential of the artist or person featured. 
In that same vein, in identifying a speaker  that most inspired me so far in the Ted talks forum of the Best of the Web”:  LINKIt would have to be Filmmaker Andrew Stanton ("Toy Story," “WALL-E”), LINK I enjoy hearing and telling great stories and I truly desire to improve upon the structure of my writing. Andrew intrigued by the art of a story, how it is viewed and leaving his audience to live in the wonder of his creation. He gives a vulnerable parts to the world as an offering of change and purpose to mankind.  


How web video powers global innovation (Chris Anderson:)

Best of the Web

The clues to a great story (Andrew Stanton:)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Digging For Gold


Throughout the years,I have been taking steps towards finding my niche in the world of On-Line Television. I have been seeking new routes into the huge mountain of entertainment. Although, some have told me not to invent the wheel, use what is available to you right now. I will forge my humble beginnings in that direction and achieve my goals in the tools provided in new media. But I am itching to believe that we are scratching at the beginning of this industry and I fill the urge to built my own mountain. In using the poem below:


These are steps towards an apparent end, but the quest of where to start and where it will end are questions that time, lots of hard work and savvy finances will be the final factor. In stepping into this program and into the field of entertainment, I knew turning around was not an option. But I must admit that I have tried to look back and wonder if this was a journey I was to make or not. Although, I knew that moving forward was and is the only direction I was to make, I keep moving forward. So this is were I land, in this moment in time, I am pushing this child through to birth. I am digging to build the foundation with perseverance and in labor of love. My declaration is build with an ice pick or a shovel, because I know that end the gold of bringing love, joy, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, strength and new to the mass of internet viewers would be my legacy.
So as my rabbit trail is pick up pace, I have to approach ways unconventional and beyond my scope of comfort. I began to look into streaming video on the internet. The definition of streaming is to broadcast video content using a camera and computer through the internet. My dream weapon of choice to provide internet television to the masses.I so excited and a bit intimidate in this area of streaming, I understand the concept. But I am learning the process. So, in my quest to find a company that suited my needs, I found two prospects. 
The first company that captured me was the prominent  live video streaming service that allowed you to broadcast your live shows and events online. I will admit though, I was  a bit moved by the touching back history behind it birthing. Ustream was born to the founders (John Ham, Brad Hunstable, and Dr. Gyula Feher) they want to connect to their friends deployed in the Army overseas in the Iraq war. They combine audio and video technology as a form of communicating with their families and know to the world. Ustream video streaming services to more than 80 million viewers and broadcasters. To give you a little background information on Ustream.  This company started in business 2007 to over 80 million viewers and now their partners include Samsung, Panasonic, Logitech, CBS, CBS News, PBS NewsHour, Viacom and IMG Media.They are based out of San Francisco, Los Angeles and Budapest.

The second in consideration Livestream, formally known as Mogulus, started in 2009, providing customized computer channel pages. Livestream has unique components,   in that users can broadcast video through many optional vehicles like broadcasting video online camcorder, computer webcam, camera and through smartphones. Livestream also offers free ad-supported services and multi-tiered premium services. There are multiple streams of audio and video tool in which Livestream is compatible in integrating media players, live chat using Twitter and Facebook for sharing and embedding features and connecting with many devices, including it audience.  

Sunday, June 14, 2015


Social Media Marketing World is Social Media Examiner’s latest mega-conference—taking place at the waterfront San Diego Marriott Marquis & Marina in San Diego, California on April 7-9, 2013.
As you’d expect, Social Media Examiner recruited the biggest and best names in the world of social media marketing for this conference. Only the best for you! Be sure to check it out.
Key takeaways mentioned in this episode:
Watch some of the professionals in action: Jay LenoHoward SternDr. PhilEllen DeGeneres and Oprah Winfrey
Check out Gary Vaynerchuk and his show Wine Library TV
A great example of guilt by association is Derek Halpern of Social Triggers
To listen to an extended monologue interview, check out Michael Hyatt and his podcast This Is Your Life
To watch a video talk show interview, check out David Siteman Garland‘s show The Rise to the Top
Listen to Mitch Joel‘s podcast called 6 Pixels of Separation for a good example of an audio talk show.
Check out The Late Show with David Letterman for promotional techniques
For producing a remote type of video, try Skype or GoToMeeting
Try out Call Recorder on Skype, Camtasia on Windows or use ScreenFlow on the Mac
To record audio, try using call bridges like Free Conference CallAccuConference or Skype
Give FreeSound a try for cool sounds to add to your podcast
Learn more about Social Media Marketing World
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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Monique Tyson's Biography

Monique Tyson has over 15 years in professional television broadcasting. Her career began at CBS Television Network as a Production Coordinator and IBEW Union Technician where she led all production, post production, event production, facilities, operations, staff management, development, distribution, remote location(s) production and corporate meeting coverage. After six years, Monique was recruited as a Network Producer and Manager of Operations at Fox Sports Network On-Air Promotions and Advertising Division. Within this capacity, Monique’s original design ideas and savvy concepts in news and show broadcasting played an instrumental role in the early success at  Fox Sports Network which aired daily to millions of domestic and foreign viewers.
With experience working at two powerful media networks, she left network television to launch her own media firm called Saxi Communications. Saxi Communication provides consulting services to businesses operating in the media industry. Within this firm, Monique’s oversees employee and sales force communication, marketing communication projects, media relations, issue management, crisis communication, writer and editor of employee and client publications. In addition, she has provides communication counsel and ghostwriting services to CEO and senior executives while managing internal staff and outside vendors. 
Monique Tyson reputation for diligence, follow-through and dedication to quality has made her accustomed to managing multiple projects simultaneously, often within stringent time and budgetary constraints along with her rapid ability to assimilate and incorporate new technology/trends.