Why Television? And How Much Does Television Impact Real Life?
That is the question I am given all of the time. However, the influence of this box of themes still carries a load of infinite amount of possibilities to learn, to grow, to develop and to all human sensory desires.
But…Why Television?
With all of the up and coming random networks are pop up from YouTube and other streaming networks themed with many choices strange and otherwise.
And Why Television
When television gets blamed for violence and all erosion of moral conscience and common decency in modern society.It is undeniable we view up to 200,000 violent acts portrayed on television before age 18 has some sort of impact on our psyches, it’s oversimplified to make TV public enemy number one LINK when it comes to violence in society.
So,Why NOT Television?
I and so many people grew up learning from obscure animal puppets that taught us many tools for learning like vowels, numbers, colors and sentence structure. “Sesame Street’s” and “Electric Company” has academic curriculum, heavy on reading and math, that would appear to have helped prepare children for school. A recent Wellesley College and University of Maryland study revealed that TV is actually beneficial in helping with everything from LINK preparing kids for success.
But Why NOT Television?
Fact state, that television can actually be beneficial in many different ways, like education. As a parent, wife,friend and business person it has spun many different thoughts like:
- Opened dialogue between others
- Finding commonality
- Starts new conversational topics
- Settles conflicting views from a different prospective
- Gives opinions where there are none
Why More Reasons Why?
- The average person will spend over 13 years of their life watching TV
- Television is one of the cheapest, most widely available mediums on the planet.
- Television has the ability to reach people from all geographic, racial, economic, and educational backgrounds
- Television offers a way to learn about the wider world without ever having to leave the sofa.
- Documentaries expose us to different lifestyles we might never come across in our everyday lives.
Why Television? Why…Because..It’s Just Television?
TV makes the world a better place. Thanks to “Sesame Street,” “Electric Company,” “Mr. Rogers,”and PBS show bring mental stability. Much like the many other shows that activates the body, soul and mind of a human beings likes and dislikes with documentaries, competitions, home improvement shows, retail and advertisements. I believe that there is tangible evidence that television isn’t always the big time-stealing, brain-numbing evil we hear so much about. In fact, it might just make you smarter, more culturally aware, and a whole lot more relaxed.